
My Favourite Bloggers of 2017

Ending the year looking back at some of my favourite bloggers, I’m sure you know a lot of them and if you don’t, you can thank me later for introducing you to them, as I’m sure you’ll love their content as much as I do.

First on the list is Hannah Gale, if you don’t know who she is, you have to check her out after reading this post. She has to be my favourite blogger to read. Not only is her content so interesting to read but her personality shows through and even more so on her instagram, she seems so genuine and her posts scream that too as she is always so honest about everything she writes about.



Beth Sandland is someone I found out about a couple of months ago and have been reading her posts and following her on instagram since. I mean look at that instagram feed, if that’s not everyone’s goal, I don’t know what is haha Her style is amazing and her content is always engaging, I love all her lifestyle posts, they are always about topics that others might not want to talk about and that’s one reason why I love to read them. She has a great personality to go along with it and seems like such a lovely girl.


Lauren is a blogger I’ve been following for ages and have seen her blog grow so much, she is an amazing girl with such a nice personality and great humor, her content is always amazing on her blog, one I would definitely recommend to check out.


Little Thoughts is one of the first blogs I stumbled upon last year. Her mental health and lifestyle posts really stuck with me when creating my own blog. Her posts are amazing and motivational, showing her experiences in life and what she has learned away, along with helping others, I would definitely recommend her if you like lifestyle and helpful posts.


Currently Lately is a blog I have been following, pretty much the whole time I’ve been on wordpress. I found her blog and instantly loved her content. she posts everything from beauty, fashion to lifestyle. She has a lot of posts to help bloggers better their content which is always helpful for any blogger.


So they are the top bloggers that I’ve been reading this year, I seriously feel like I am missing someone out but can’t for the life of me think who, so if you find an extra one pop in after this is posted, then you’ll know I’ve remembered haha but I hope you enjoy it and check each of them out as they are all honestly amazing! See you in my next post.

Thank you for reading,



31 thoughts on “My Favourite Bloggers of 2017”

  1. Love it! I need new blogs to follow! Also, can someone explain to me how everyone gets such cute logos at the top of their sites? I paid for one on one site and I hate it! I need to just learn to do it myself.

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    1. I got mine done personally for me from a blogger called Katie, she does the business from her twitter, her username is @ktlgh and she has lots of designs you can get inspiration from if you don’t know what you are looking for, I’d definitely recommend her💕

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  2. oh I absolutely LOVE this type of posts!

    I’ve been following Beth for a while after I found her incred. feed on instagram and i’ve since developed a slight girl crush haha. Plus now that i’ve read this and had a little peep and the other blogs i’ve completely fallen in love with them all and subscribed to each of them! Thanks Lauren, and have a fab new year!! xo

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