
Would You Rather.. Christmas Edition

Thank you to the lovely, Emily Roberts for tagging me to do this post! I’ve seen it floating around so I’m so happy to do it!


Eat brussel sprouts or cauliflower cheese?
To be honest, I’ve never eaten cauliflower cheese, and I’m not a fan of cheese so I doubt I would like them, I’m not the biggest fan of brussel sprouts but I would eat them if I had to.

Have twinkling lights or still lights?

Still lights, definitely! The flashing of the twinkling lights tends to get on my nerves after a while, you know when you can see it from the corner of your eye haha, so definitely still lights even though twinkling lights are super pretty in passing.

Eat gingerbread or Ferraro Roche?

Ferraro Roches 100%, I wouldn’t really buy Ferraro Roches but I would eat them if are offered or just sitting in front of me, I can’t stand gingerbread so it, the only lime I will eat ginger, is in the Kimberly cake/biscuit things, those things are amazing!

Open your Christmas presents with only immediate family or with all of your family?

I’ve only ever opened presents with immediate family so I’d have to stick with that as I don;t think it would feel the same with a really big crowd of people.

Cook Christmas dinner for the whole family or don’t eat Christmas dinner at all?

I love Christmas Dinner! It has to be one of my favourite meals, I love everything about it, I’ll even throw in a brussel sprout or two even though I don’t like them all that much! I don’t tend to cook it for my family as I am in my home every Christmas or visiting family but I do help out whenever I can.

Have a real Christmas tree or a fake Christmas tree?

When I was younger, my family always had a real Christmas tree but within the last 10 years or so we just use the fake one that we bought all those years ago. I will say though I much prefer the fake tree over the real one, as they don’t have that really strong smell that the real ones have, I’m really not a fan of the Christmas tree scent haha

Use blue, yellow and white lights or multi coloured lights?

I always like to put white lights on my tree as it goes best with the silver that I would have around the house, I do love multi coloured lights but just not on the tree.

Eat mince pies or Christmas cake?

I don’t like either, when it comes to cakes, I can be quite fussy so I would have to say neither for this one, as I really am not a fan of currants or sultanas.

Wake up at 6am or 10am?

When I was younger I would always find it so hard to sleep and would be sitting awake for hours! My parents have always had the rule with us from when we got a bit older that we couldn’t go in and wake them up until 8 or half 8. During my teens I used to sit awake starring at the clock until it turned 8 so that I could go in and wake them up. But for the last few years I have been thankful of that lie in haha

Drink champagne or hot chocolate?

I’m going to one honest with you guys here and say that I don’t like either! There are very few champagnes that I actually like and as for hot chocolate, I have never liked it, even when I was younger.

Eat Heros or Roses?

Oh I’m more of a celebrations girl but I do love heroes too, tbf any chocolate is good with me so I would eat either of them haha

Get a puppy for Christmas or a kitten?

Kitten all the way! Although I do love dogs and am one day  hoping to get a Stafdordshire  Bull Terrier for now kittens and cats are my favourite, and since I haven’t had a cat in a few years, I’d love to get one!

Watch Elf or Home Alone?

I feel like its been years since I watched a Christmas movie, please don’t hate me in  saying that! But my family just never watch them anymore, I’m not really sure why haha but if I was to choose between these, it would have to be home alone, its an absolute classic.

Listen to Christmas songs all year round or never hear a Christmas song again?

I love a good Christmas song but I definitely wouldn’t be able to listen to them all year long so if I had to choose, it would have to be to never hear a Christmas song again 🙂

Wake up early and get the best boxing day sale goodies or stay warm and cosy in bed wearing your new Christmas pjs?

I’m definitely some who would much prefer to stay in my comfy pjs all day and not have to brave the cold weather, so thats pretty much what I do every year!

As always I am tagging all of you reading this, so please let me know in the comments if you do it so that I can check out your posts and answers! See you in my next post.

Thank you for reading,



18 thoughts on “Would You Rather.. Christmas Edition”

  1. I’m going to post these questions because they’re such fun questions. I used to work 10 hour days in a plaza that had Christmas songs playing for two months beforehand and now, I hate Christmas songs 🙊

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