health, Life

My Story With Migraines… An Update

Hello Everyone,

You might remember a few weeks or even months ago that I published a blog post about my experience with migraines and how they’ve affected my life. Thank you all so much for the responses I received from that post, it was honestly overwhelming! It was so nice to see that other people know what it feels like and to gain some more tips and insights into how other people deal with it. I received some amazing tips from you all and as promised, I said I would update you all on some of the methods I was trying to ease the pain as much as I could. So as mentioned in the previous post, I am getting migraines just as often, usually once a week. There are weeks where I get more, maybe one migraine and two headaches in one week but usually it is just the one a week, thankfully!


I was telling you all that I was trying out magnesium tablets to see if they would keep the migraines away, I was hoping that this post would have been a positive one telling you all that they did work but unfortunately they didn’t, they didn’t make any difference whatsoever, it was so disappointing! I had my hopes that finally I might have been rid of the pain but unfortunately that wasn’t the cause of them. I was taking around 500mg of magnesium each day after a meal for a month but unfortunately it didn’t make a difference at all. The doctors told me it would take a week for me to notice the difference and after a month of trying them with no change, I decided it was time to rule out the fact that my migraines where not due to a deficiency in magnesium.

Now I am currently trying to eat really healthy as on the average day I don’t tend to get more than one of my veg and fruit so I really need to work on that, I’m currently trying to get as many in my diet as often as I can, I’m not the best at doing this as I find it hard to find vegetables that I actually enjoy to eat so at the moment I am trying to get at least 2 of my fruit and veg in a day and I will work from there. I will leave the link to the first post I posted about migraines, if you want to find out more about it and see if any of the tips that were shared on that post help you as a lot of lovely people left the tips that had helped them with the pain. Read more about the first post here.

Let me know if there is anything that you have tried that has helped with your migraines, I think like a lot of people I don’t want to be on medication every time I have a migraine as it’s so bad for your organs to be taking medication every week. So if anyone has any tips that have helped them, it would be greatly appreciated and may also help some others out! See you in my next post!

Thank you for reading,












39 thoughts on “My Story With Migraines… An Update”

  1. Suffering with constant migraines and headaches are the worst, I suffer daily with these maybe at least twice a day. I found that taking Vitamin D has helped allot and made them less “painful” “noticeable”. I also only ever drink water to make sure I’m hydrated to also help, along with making sure I eat breakfast, fresh meals and of course fruit and vegetables. Hope any of that helps you and you feel better. X

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Personally, what helps me naturally is just eating enough protein, fruits and veggies throughout the day. As well as, drinking plenty of water. Actually, I read your water intake depends on your weight as well. So make sure you drink enough water for your particular body. Also, vitamins tend to be the biggest help for me. Not only, for nutriental purpose but to help my immune system and help me function better. All of these have proven to help for me. Maybe, it will help you as well. Possibly, you already to all of these anyway. Although, I thought I’d give my personal advice.
    Wishing you a wonderful Thursday!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. It’s important to identify the factors of a migraine and avoid them. Sometimes it is difficult to avoid and if you get migraine headaches then some simple home remedies work. I avoid medication and rely on home remedies. I have always found relief with ginger tea or hot coffee. It worked for me.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. There were someone who said that keeping your hands shortly in ice-cold water helps.
    Every day’s routine should be before you woke up from bed lie down on the back but put your head down from the edge of the bed. (it’s more like a prevention from migrane, it takes some time to notice is it working). I do suffer myself from migrane. It’s horrible experience. I often feel sick, can’t tolerate any noise, or lights. I found a medication which helps me out. But it’s again medication….
    Most of the people agreed that migrane comes from diet and how good it is. Some of my friends find out that dairy foods and chocolate has huge impact for getting migrane.
    Just try to experiment with some foods taking from your diet, hope hun you will find what is working for you. You are more than welcome to write me if you just wanna talk and share your pain or for anything.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ah I am so sorry to hear that the magnesium tablets didn’t help! My migraines are linked to a very particular cause (strong smells) so avoiding that has helped my personal case, but unfortunately this won’t work for people who cannot pinpoint the cause of their migraines. Drinking lots of water is definitely something that also decreases the frequency of mine!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I also have migraine. I always keep a cold gel pack in the freezer. As soon as I feel its about to start, I put the cold pack on that spot and try to sleep on it.
    You can try yoga. Specially pranayams(breathing exercises) It really helps.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Migraines are the worst!! I have chronic headaches that lead to migraines about once per week. The thing that has helped me the most is staying super hydrated. I drink a ton of water and green tea every day. If I do have a migraine, I drink a large thing of Gatorade or similar drink that has a lot of Electrolytes.

    I also see a Neurologist who is really helpful. He has me taking a regime of regular vitamins in addition to a preventive medicine that I take every night. It does really help me to take the daily medicine and cut back of pain medication.

    Thanks for sharing your story and I really hope that you feel better!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. There seems to be almost as many migraine triggers as there are migraineurs. I’ve had migraines for about 55 years and have yet to pin down the triggers. I have around 20 migraine days every month,so I do understand what you’re going through.

    Caffeine for some people most definitely is a trigger, while for others it most definitely isn’t. In fact for some it actually seems to ease migraines. I’m in that category. One thing I have learnt is tha taking caffeine with with pain relief meds helps in their absorption by the body. I find having a cup of coffee with pain relievers results in slightly quicker and more effective relief. The effect of the meds seems to last longer too.

    Good luck in finding your triggers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awh thank you so much for this comment! I’m currently off MSG at the minute to see if thats triggering it, at the minute I haven’t had a migraine in 7/8 days so its working so far, here’s praying I won’t get one soon 🙂 Good luck with yours too! 🙂

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  9. Thank you for sharing! It’s refreshing to see such an honest blog post. I suffered from migraines for most of my life and now have about two headaches a week (which I’ll take over a migraine, but are still unpleasant). I avoid processed lunch meat, too much sugar, and msg, but haven’t tried magnesium supplements yet. Worth a test. I’m sorry it didn’t work for you 😦

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  10. I appreciate this post. I am currently suffering from a migraine right now & have no idea how I’ve managed to get through reading this. Any advice on how to lessen the pain??

    Once this ordeal is over I may share…:(

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The only tips I can really give you is to lie in a dark room with either a really cold wet facecloth or some sort of ice pack that is really cold, it helps to numb the area a bit and that way it is a little bit more bearable, I hope you figure out what causing them and don’t suffer any more ❤ x

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